European Parliament resolution on the EP position regarding a conference on the future of Europe.

The European Parliament resolution adopted at the EP plenary session on the conference on the future of Europe, which took place on January 15, 2020, begins the listening stage and discussion time so that citizens from across the European Union can share their ideas, suggestions and propose their own vision of what Europe means to them.
The following political apriorities have been pre-defined, indicating that this is not an exhaustive set:
- European values, fundamental rights and freedoms,
- democratic and institutional aspects of the EU,
- environmental challenges and climate crisis,
- social justice and equality,
- economy and employment, including the issue of taxes,
- digital transformation,
- security and the role of the EU on the international stage.
The European Parliament believes that the aim of the conference should be to adopt a bottom-up approach to directly engage citizens in a constructive dialogue, stresses that the involvement of citizens, organized civil society and many stakeholders at European, national, regional and local level should be a key element of this innovative formula. The full text of the Resolution can be found here.
Various political groups have also adopted their positions. On behalf of the ECR, prof. Zdzisław Krasnodębski, who emphasized that as part of his commitment to pluralism, the conference cannot be used solely to promote EU integration orthodoxy, but should also be an opportunity to discuss different and divergent proposals on an equal footing, and noted that there are other equally valid alternatives for traditional federalist orthodoxy, such as proposals to restore the Union to the European community of sovereign nations based on the Eurorealistic concept of a confederate Europe that respects the rights and democratic legitimacy of the member states. The full text of the motion for a resolution tabled by the ECR here.