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Institute of Schuman’s Thought

Schuman’s Debates on Renewing the European Union

These Debates contribute to the Debate on the Future of Europe and are synchronized with V European Schuman Festival, over which Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki took Honorary Patronage

The Debates are run on-line with MS Teams Internet platform

Details are available on website:

Let us create a real platform for pan-European dialogue,

without being closed in narrow circles.

Such formula of pan-European debate allows to create a climate and style of

dialogue, similar-to that one,

which was implemented by Robert Schuman,

in the spirit of the Community of European Nations.

The European problem cannot be solved by a drastic process of economic and political reorganization which would create a federal unity – the United States of Europe […] Europe owes its unique character to the fact that it is and has always been a society of nations, each intensely conscious of its own social personality and its own political institutions and laws, but all united by a common spiritual tradition, a common intellectual culture and common moral values […] It is only by the recovery of these common traditions and values and in the strengthening of them that Europe can be saved” [Robert Schuman]

My idea is not to merge States to create a Super State. Our European States are a historical reality. From a psychological point of view, it would be impossible to do away with them. Their diversity is a good thing and we do not intend to level them down or equalize them” [Robert Schuman]

To our mind, European policy is certainly not in contradiction with the patriotic ideal. It encourages the particular-nature and characteristics of each of its states and fosters the sound love for one’s own country which is a love that does not go in detriment of other countries. It wants to attain a unity in the fullness of its diversity” [Robert Schuman]

Odzyskajmy Europę Schumana

Riprenditi l’Europa di Schuman; Верните Европу Шумана назад; Retire a Europa de Schuman; Recuperar la Europa de Schuman; Vezměte si Schumanovu Evropu zpět; Vezmite si Schumanovu Európu späť; Szerezzük vissza Schuman Európáját; Paimkite Schumano Europą atgal; Atgriezieties Šūmana Eiropā; Vzemite Schumanovo Evropo nazaj; Върнете Европа на Шуман обратно; Ia Europa lui Schuman înapoi; Vrati Schumanovu Europu natrag; Поверніть Європу Шумана назад; Ta Schumans Europa tilbake; Ta tillbaka Schumans Europa; Врати Шуманову Европу назад; Reprenez l’Europe de Schuman; Neem Schuman’s Europa terug; Huelt dem Schuman säin Europa zréck; Tag Schumans Europa tilbage; Võtke Schumani Euroopa tagasi

Nimm Schumans Europa zurück

Agenda of the Debate

February - December 2021

Issues to discuss and implement in regaining Schuman’s Europe

  1. Superstate-Federal EU or United in Diversity Schuman’s Community of European Nations – which model is closest to the spiritual, cultural, and historical character of Europe? [20 February 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  2. Is the European Union based on solidarity or on a fierce economic competition between nation states? [20 March 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  3. Lisbon Treaty in the 12th year of its functioning: What adjustments are needed? Does the EU need broader unification, keeping status quo, adjust to reflect Schuman’s model and/or changed by partly utilizing Danish model? [24 April 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  4. Establishing Schuman’s Fraction at the European Parliament involving political groups from all European Countries having in favor Schuman’s concept of Community of European Nations [9 May 2021, Sunday, 10am-12pm]
  5. Lack of equal representation by country at the European Commission [15 May 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  6. Establishing Schuman’s Fraction at the European Parliament involving political groups from all European Countries having in favor Schuman’s concept of Community of European Nations [16 May 2021, Sunday, 10am-12pm]
  7. How much President Macron’s Doctrine for Renew Europe ties back to the concept of Schuman’s Community of European Nations? Is it a Real Chance to Renew Europe? Is there anything in Macron’s Doctrine common with Schuman’s approach? [22 May 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  8. Establishing Schuman’s Fraction at the European Parliament involving political groups from all European Countries having in favor Schuman’s concept of Community of European Nations [23 May 2021, Sunday, 10am-12pm]
  9. Innovative economic and fiscal instruments in a solidary state and Community of European Nations [29 May 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  10. Establishing Schuman’s Fraction at the European Parliament involving political groups from all European Countries having in favor Schuman’s concept of Community of European Nations [30 May 2021, Sunday, 10am-12pm]
  11. What responsibility European Community should take for social and economic development of Africa? [5 June 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  12. Establishing Schuman’s Fraction at the European Parliament involving political groups from all European Countries having in favor Schuman’s concept of Community of European Nations [6 June 2021, Sunday, 10am-12pm]
  13. Whether and what lessons have we learned from Covid-19 pandemic in Europe? What changes are needed in the functionality of EU in-the-area of regulations and institutions? [19 June 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  14. Acceptance of chaotic migrations or real cooperation with poor regions neighboring with Europe? What responsibility European Community should take for social and economic development of Africa? [10 July 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  15. Lack of equal representation by country at the European Commission. [31 July 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  16. How to support and to promote Christian culture and tradition within the frame of European Union? [21 August 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  17. Integration of Schuman followers across Europe [11 September 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  18. Establishing Schuman’s Fraction at the European Parliament involving political groups from all European Countries having in favor Schuman’s concept of Community of European Nations [16 October 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  19. Establishing pan-European Schuman’s social-media for Europe under the Stars from Strasbourg [13 November 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]
  20. Demography and values in Europe – Supporting family development and protecting every human life [11 December 2021, Saturday, 4pm-8pm]