EUROPEAN SCHUMAN FESTIVAL 2022; program 4-5 June
EUROPEAN SCHUMAN FESTIVAL 2022; program 4-5 June
The Youth Forumof the Tri Marium with Robert Schuman
- July, 2022 in Krasiczyn, Carpatia, Poland
The Institute of Schuman Thoughts came out with the initiative to organize the Youth Forum of Tri Marium (Three Seas) with Robert Schuman, which was initially discussed with other institutions that want to be co-organizers of this project, including the Felczak Institute, as well as various youth organizations.
In the meeting will participate 5,000 young people from around 20 countries of the Tri Marium region, aged 18 to 40, in Krasiczyn, Carpatia in Poland from July 10 to July 16, 2022.
The aim of the meeting is to build the integration of the Tri Marium by its future hosts and leaders, such as young people, as well as to accelerate the processes of building the social and economic strength of the Three Seas Community by involving young people, which will lead to a constructive impact on the west of Europe and the world.
It is important that this event will be covered by the Patronage of the Prime Ministers of Poland, Hungary, and other Tri Marium Nations, and as well it would be essential that government institutions and ministries participate in co-organization. In this context, it is important to build relations between young parliamentarians from the Tri Marium countries.
A meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Governments of the Tri Marium countries with representatives of youth groups at the so-called Summit of the Youth Forum of the Tri Marium, to sign the Declaration on building the Tri Marium Youth Community by implementing projects during the year, creating the necessary common institutions, and organizing the next annual meetings at the Youth Forum of the Tri Marium with Robert Schuman.
On average, about 250 people will come from each country. We assume that young people will sleep in tents prepared by the Polish Army and other Tri Marium Armies, which would be done socially and free of charge by the Army. For this purpose, about 500 tents, each for ten people, need to be prepared, for which there is space in an area of several hectares in Krasiczyn. Additionally, field kitchens (military dishes) and sanitary facilities (showers and toilets) organized by the Polish Army and other fraternal armies from the Tri Marium are needed.
It should be prepared medical tents and any other security resources and measures, such as protection by the Police, defined in the legal norms, as well as voluntary service with the involvement of Territorial Defense Forces and Scouts from all Tri Marium countries.
The forum will be focused on around 20 thematic groups. For each thematic group, a tent for about 250 people is needed. We will also need technical equipment, sound systems, concert stages and media services from the Three Seas countries.
The financial funds to support the organization of the Youth Forum of the Tri Marium is welcomed.
20 thematic blocks that will be implemented in individual tents during the Forum are presented below. These blocks are the result of proposals delivered by young people from few countries, as well as representatives of certain institutions that will be co-organizers. The presented list may still be revised in-the-course of further discussions on this matter.
- Culture, art, tradition, customs, folk, national, religious and youth music to preserve and build the identity of the community of the Tri Marium nations.
- The Tri Marium as a community of fate expressed in the reconstructions of important historical events, such as the Battle of Warsaw and the Miracle on the Vistula 1920 or the Warsaw Uprising, and other historical events in different Three Seas countries.
- Cooperation and integration of the companies of the Tri Marium and companies of our countrymen in Europe and in the world, as well as national governments and various economic institutions in-order to increase internal trade turnover and mutual investments in our region.
- Developing the University of Applied Christian & Social Science in the Tri Marium.
- The School of the Spirituality of Robert Schuman in the process of building relationships with God fruitful in social life and obtaining a passport to heaven.
- Formation of young people in the School of Social and Political Service for the National Community, the Tri Marium Community, and the European Community.
- Christmas Eve without Borders as a way of building relations with foreigners and preventing the emergence of foreigners’ ghettos.
- Creating a joint training, research, and development center in the Tri Marium countries for the implementation of nuclear and hydrogen energy in the economy and for the declining of the energy poverty.
- Integration of Tri Marium companies for the development of trade and investment in India and Africa.
- Cooperation of the Tri Marium universities in education, science, and practice by developing incubators of technical thought and entrepreneurship.
- Building relationships through sport (regattas, windsurfing, and kitesurfing on Solina Lake, canoes on the San River, and other forms of sport, including international competitions).
- Military technique and building patriotism based on a military formation.
- Coalition of the Tri Marium media in-order to integrate our community and build its image in Europe and in the world.
- Schuman Debate on the Future of Europe by building the Youth Movement for Schuman Europe and creating Schuman Groups in National Parliaments and the European Parliament.
- Digital prosperity in the social and economic dimensions
- Development of youth volunteering in Europe to build unity, solidarity, and peace in a model of cooperation between Governments, NGOs, and enterprises.
- Spreading the ethos and importance of the family for the development of the Tri Marium nations and supporting its development as well as taking anti-depopulation measures in-order to build the strength and identity of individual nations and the community of the Tri Marium nations.
- Healthy sustainable development in the service of people, taking into-account the creation of good social and economic living conditions for people in agricultural areas and outside cities.
- Cooperation of the Tri Marium in the field of education and career development of young people by creating appropriate tax and economic instruments and mechanisms.
- The health care system for improving the mental and spiritual condition of youth through-the-use of preventive mechanisms that reduce the sources of damage to the psyche and soul.
Prof. Zbigniew Krysiak
Chairman of the Program Committee
Institute of Schuman’s Thought
Phone +48 796 140 400
Live!!! Start Sat July 10, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. – Acceptance of chaotic migrations or real cooperation with poor regions neighbouring Europe?
During the Debate we would like to hesitate following questions:
1. What responsibility European Community should take for the social and economic development of Africa?
2. May Europe come back to Schuman’s plan for the social and economic development of Africa based on Christian values?
3. Do Member States have to pursue the same migration policy?
4. How to pursue an aid policy and should it be fortified with ideological elements, i.e. de facto resulting from political beliefs supported by some Member States?
Live!!! Start Sat June 19, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. – Whether and what lessons have we learned from the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe?
During the Debate we would like to hesitate following questions:
What changes are needed in the functionality of the EU in the area of regulations and institutions?
What deficits were revealed in the functioning of the EU in the area of solidarity, efficiency, and effectiveness in reducing the negative social and economic effects of Covid-19?
The topic to be discussed is whether the EU shall extend its activities to new areas, or we shall strictly define in what areas EU is needed and in which areas EU has failed.
Did Covid-19 prove that centralization of the government in Brussels decline the strength of national economies and decline the efficiency of the country’s role by removing the principle of subsidiarity?
Do lessons from Covid-19 justify the transfer of any competencies on health from the national level upwards? Are there lessons that national countries (UK, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan, Israel) were able to deliver better solutions and much faster? Have European-level actions were mostly hype?
Based on the special status of Denmark with opt-outs can be discussed, whether any kind of joint social European policies are feasible and realistic?
The Health and psychological condition of the people and integrity of the family of the man and women are the basic pillars of national and European Union security. Why some European Leaders promote the depopulation actions and ideologies, which decline the security of the countries? How the promotion of the depopulation and decline in population threatens for development of the European economy and its competitive position in the global economy?
The studio of the 5th European Schuman Festival works in the building of the National Institute of Culture and Rural Heritage at Krakowskie Przedmieście 66 in Warsaw, which is a partner of the Institute of Schuman’s Thought in organizing and conducting the 5th European Schuman Festival.

Live!!! Start Sun June 06, 2021 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. 10:00 – 12:00 – What action plan should undertake the Schuman Fraction? (Jaki plan działania powinna podjąć Frakcja Schumana?). 12:00 – 14:00 – The structure of Schuman communities as an example of a well-functioning cooperation between people and environments (Struktura wspólnot Schumana jako przykład dobrze działającej kooperacji ludzi i środowisk). 14:00 – 16:00 – Servant of God Robert Schuman in the eyes of the representatives of the Saint Benedict Foundation from Metz in France, prof. Pierre Guerigen (Sługa Boży Robert Schumana w oczach przedstawicieli Fundacji Świętego Benedykta z Metz we Francji, prof. Pierre Guerigen). 16:00 – 18:00 – Organization of offices in Europe broadcasting Schuman content (Organizacja biur w Europie transmitujących treści Schumana).
Live!!! Start Sat June 05, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. – What responsibility European Community should take for social and economic development of Africa? (Jaką odpowiedzialność powinna przyjąć Wspólnota Europejska za społeczno-gospodarczy rozwój Afryki?) – Ks. Prof. Waldemar Cisło, Father Policarp.
Live!!! Start Sun May 30, 2021 from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm. 10:00 – 12:00 – What type of people, political parties and countries would join the Schuman Fraction at the EP? (Jaki typ ludzi, partii politycznych i krajów dołączyłby do frakcji Schumana w PE?). 12:00 – 14:00 – The structure of Schuman communities as an example of a well-functioning cooperation between people and environments (Struktura wspólnot Schumana jako przykład dobrze działającej kooperacji ludzi i środowisk). 14:00 – 16:00 – Politics and social activity as a service to people and the formation of Christ’s disciples in Politics following the example of Robert Schuma (Polityka i działalność społeczna jako służba ludziom i formacja uczniów Chrystusa w Polityce na wzrór Roberta Schumana). 16:00 – 18:00 – Schuman’s media – opportunities, challenges and opportunities in creating a window to the world (Media Schumana – szanse, wyzwania i możliwości w tworzeniu okna na świat).
Live!!! Start Sat May 29, 2021 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. 10:00 – 12:00 – Prezentacja projektów wdrażania Myśli Chrześcijańsko-Społecznej do praktyki przez Słuchaczy PUNCS. 12:00 – 14:00 – Pandenomics – is it time for a new interdisciplinary science? (Pandenomia – czy już czas na nową interdyscyplinarną naukę?). 14:00 – 16:00 – Discussion on the changes expected by the agri-food sector in the field of legislation, licensing, regulations and restrictions that are braking factors for free export to India (Dyskusja na temat oczekiwanych przez sektor rolno-spożywczy zmian w zakresie legislacji, licencjonowania, przepisów oraz restrykcji stanowiących czynniki hamulcowe w zakresie swobodnego eksportu do Indii). 17:00 – 20:00 – Innovative economic and fiscal instruemnts in a solidar state and Community of European Nations (Innowacyjne instrumenty gospodarcze i fiskalne w solidarnym państwie i wspólnocie narodów europejskich).
Live!!! Start Sun May 23, 2021 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm: 10:00 – 12:00 – Does the Schuman Fraction would be most appropriate for establishing new group at EP? (Czy frakcja Schumana byłaby najbardziej odpowiednia do założenia nowej grupy w PE?) 12:00 – 14:00 – Tools of promotion and reaching people who support the ideas of the Servant of God Robert Schuman (Narzędzia promocji i dotarcia do ludzi wspierających idee Sługi Bożego Roberta Schumana) 14:00 – 16:00 – “Journey in the Footsteps of Schuman” as a way of learning about the Spirituality and style of action of the Servant of God Robert Schuman (“Podróż Śladami Schumana” jako forma poznawania Duchowości i stylu działania Sługi Bożego Roberta Schumana) 16:00 – 18:00 – International cooperation in creating Pan-European media (Współpraca międzynarodowa w tworzeniu Pan-Europejskich mediów).
Live!!! Start Sat May 22, 2021 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm – “How much President Macron’s Doctrine for Renew Europe ties back to the concept of Schuman’s Community of European Nations?”
Live!!! Start May 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Program: 10:00 – 12:00 – “What values and ides should create fundaments for the new Fraction at the EP? (Jakie wartości i idee powinny być fundamentem dla nowej frakcji w PE?). 12:00 – 14:00 – Communication between people and organizations in-order to create a community of values represented by the Servant of God Robert Schuman (Komunikacja między ludźmi i organizacjami w celu tworzenia wspólnoty wartości reprezentowanych przez Sługę Bożego Roberta Schumana). 14:00 – 16:00 – Robert Schuman’s Vision of Europe in Pan-European Media (Wizja Europy według Roberta Schumana w Pan-Europejskich mediach). 16:00 – 18:00 – The Course of the Beatification Process from the Perspective of the Postulator Father Prof. Bernard Ardura (Przebieg procesu beatyfikacyjnego z perspektywy postulatora o. prof. Bernard Ardura)”.
Live!!! Start May 15, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Program: 10:00 – 12:00 – “Prezentacja projektów wdrażania Myśli Chrześcijańsko-Społecznej do praktyki przez Słuchaczy PUNCS” 12:00 – 14:00 – “The model of the national economy and other economic models in the modern world. (Model gospodarki narodowej a inne modele gospodarcze w świecie współczesnym)” 14:00 – 16:00 – “How to use the new after pandemic realities in developing a new export strategy and promotion of Polish food in India? (Jak wykorzystać nowe realia po pandemii w wypracowaniu nowej strategii eksportu i promocji polskiej żywności w Indiach?)” 16:00 – 18:00 – “Lack of equal representation by country on the managerial positions at the European Commission (Brak równej reprezentacji krajów na stanowiskach kierowniczych w Komisji Europejskiej)”
Live: Third Schuman’s Debates on Renewing the European Union. This time: “Lisbon Treaty in the 12th year of its functioning: What adjustments are needed? Does the EU need broader unification, keeping status quo, adjust to reflect Schuman’s model and/or changed by partly utilizing Danish model?” Start April 24, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Live: Second Schuman’s Debates on Renewing the European Union. This time: “Is the European Union based on solidarity or on a fierce economic competition between nation states?” Start March 20, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
Live: Schuman's Debates on Renewing the European Union
Robert Schuman
The Community of European Nations is a result of Robert Schuman’s ideas and concepts. He did not wish the quasi-state of Europe but Community of European Nations:
“My idea is not to merge States to create a Super State. Our European States are a historical reality. From a psychological point of view, it would be impossible to do away with them. Their diversity is a good thing and we do not intend to level them down or equalize them” – Robert Schuman