Phone: +48 575 990 686


If you like to submit a paper follow the instructions stated below.


For the first session: Extended Abstract Submission Deadline > February 13 2021 

Acceptance notification > February 19 2021

Revised full paper upload deadline > December 1 2021

Author’s registration deadline > February 13 2021

*Dates are floating.

For the second session:

All the deadlines** are extended by 30 days (with respect to the conference’s schedule)

**except “Revised full paper upload deadline” which is final.

Submit the paper before the submission deadline*.

Reviewing process

Paper submissions will be reviewed by experts selected by the conference committee.

At the end of the review process authors will be notified of the review results by email.

If your paper is accepted, it will be assigned to either a lecture/debate session by the program committee.

DEBATE RENEWING EU Conference requires that each accepted paper be presented (virtually or in-person) by one of the authors according to the schedule published. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented either virtually or in-person by one of the authors will be withdrawn from the official conference proceedings.

One of the authors MUST register before the deadline given for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program.

All articles (including the invited ones) will be peer-reviewed, and the accepted articles will be edited according to the Debate’s house style.

Chairs also act as Proceedings Editors and work with their designated Debate Staff Proceedings Coordinator to collect all delinquent manuscripts and resolve any publications issues.

The accepted manuscripts will become the permanent property of the Organizing Committee and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the editor.

Preparing the manuscript 

Prepare your submission in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) of maximum 2 pages (figures, tables and references included) using our template.

Use the following guidelines when preparing your document:

This document presents the instructions required to prepare the extended abstract to be submitted to the 2021 Debate Renewing EU. All abstracts should be written in English. In order to achieve graphical consistency, the extended abstract should be preferably written using Microsoft Word. It should start with the paper’s title, author(s) name (s), authors’ affiliation, address and e-mail, followed by the Abstract’s text and the keywords (up to six words). Please, indicate the author making the presentation with an asterisk (*).

The abstract should be written in MS Word format in single-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the text paragraphs. Please, briefly explain the background and scope of your research including the problem formulation, the aim and objective, your materials and methods, analysis and discussion, and the main conclusions of the study. Maximum of 2 figures/photographs can be included in the abstract. Authors are requested to submit Abstracts (1500-2000 words) of 2 pages in the length of paper size of A4 in electronic form (MS-Word). The scientific committee will decide the contributions for oral presentations.

Only extended abstracts are required. Submission of full length paper will not be required. For in-text citation used the name of the author(s) and the year of publication in parentheses; e.g. (Jones 2017).

MS Word Template:

The following template is available for use with MS Office. With minor adjustment they should be usable also with Libreoffice/OpenOffice.