Jan Czarniecki
March 2019 and continuing – 3D Jan Czarniecki – sole proprietorship
Focusing on the promotion of the proper place of Poland in the family of nations by work with the Polonia Institute [poloniainstitute.net] out of California assisting with translation work Pol>Eng and other ongoing initiatives.
Ongoing translation of documentation and work developed by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) focusing on works on the Katyń Forest Massacre, and papers written on political history concerning the former Soviet Bloc nations primarily Poland, Hungary and the GDR – on. Earlier translation work for the Smoleńsk Crash Sub-Committee.
Translation work under the auspices of the War Studies Academy as well as for LIDEX and SUD Architecte.
April 2016 – Feb 2019 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
Director position managing a 5 – person team (Warsaw and Berlin) responsible for the successful initiation and later completion of a 300 M PLN embassy project in Berlin. Oversight and management over successful permitting, decontamination, archaeological and demolition stages (completed). Architectural re-negotiation stage for design modification due to enhanced program and code changes. Tender document preparation for legal, contract engineer and general contractor. Construction tender to be announced Q3/Q4 2019. Building and development consultancy on other owned facilities in London, Houston, Washington D.C., NYC and New Delhi
June 2015 – April 2016 – Member of Supervisory Board of a major Warsaw listed real estate residential developer. (ROBYG) Look up: http://ri.robyg.pl/en/management-board-and-supervisory-board.html
April 2015 – March 2016 – free-lance work for Peakside Polonia Property Management and cpM-Constructive Project Management, located in Warsaw, performing project management / technical due diligence work on an office tower and project management/retail center commissioning for an investor in Bydgoszcz, Poland. (a 10,000 m2 shopping center extension – Galeria Pomorska)
April 2015 – December 2016 – Polish Ministry of Defense
Ongoing translation and proof-reading work POL>ENG for ongoing ministerial needs along with setting up a functioning web page – part time
September 2012 – April 2015 Supreme Audit Office (Najwyższa Izba Kontroli) –
Title: Główny specjalista kontroli państwowej – Sr. State Controlling Specialist – term consultancy agreement.